Friday Five: PUPPIES!

Welcome to the Friday Five blog post!  Each week I will choose one topic based on something I either heard or saw that interested me during the week and link to five articles related to that topic.  I hope you find them interesting as well!


21380069So, on Monday of this week, the 141st annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show was held in Madison Square Garden.  And the pictures and videos that came out of it offered a much needed respite from political/economical/civil issues. One of my favorite parts of the dog show is the agility competition, and Mia the beagle was HILARIOUS.

I don’t know about you, but I need more hilarious dog videos in my life, especially after a long week in the office, so here are five funny dog videos, starting with Mia.

  1. Watch Westminster Dog Show Contestant Get Distracted During Agility Competition
  2. Mastiff Competing At Dog Agility
  3. Hilarious Golden Retriever Really Wants To Race But.. First Things First
  4. Dogs Discovering Snow
  5. Dog Tries Her New Shoes For First Time